Property taxes that are paid by December 31 received a 3% discount of the total taxes due. Other discounts for early payments are as follows: - 2 percent discount if paid in January - 1 percent discount if paid in February - Any equipment, fixtures or furniture used in a business or for a commercial purpose - Leased equipment - Furnishings and appliances in a rental property, owned by the real property owner - Any attachments made to a mobile home or manufactured housing in a rental park Business Tax Preparation of Tangible Property Taxes All businesses are required to file a Tangible Personal Property Tax Return if you own personal property. Hire a tax preparer for peace of mind. Our firm can assist you identifying all assets, estimate the fair market value, prepare the depreciation schedule and complete your business tax return. Additionally, we will keep timely, accurate records if you sell your business, go out of business, or move to a new location.